
On April 22, the NASA Nebraska Space Grant Fellowship students of Nebraska Indian Community College(pg电子app下载) traveled to Lincoln,Nebraska to present their Historical Climate Research poster at the Nebraska Academy of Science Conference at Wesleyan University.

The students have been working since last August on collecting and analyzing historical temperature, precipitation,and tornado weather data. They looked at historical averages for local, state, national and global regions to determine trends. They also studied pg电子app下载s own weather stations data to see if our short term data corresponded to the historical data. This was an opportunity to see how historical weather trends support existing climate change research.

The students were able to attend a variety of science related presentations by other college students and professors that are leaders in their respective fields. The NASA Nebraska Space Grant funds many of the Nebraska Colleges to pursue a variety of research projects in the sciences.
pg电子app下载 NASA Nebraska Space Grant Fellows: Christina Coffman, Lorraine Maddy Smith, Thomasina Whipple, and Falon Torrez.  Hank Miller is the sponsored researcher.